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Waiting on God

by Matthew Henry

IT IS not enough for us to begin everyday with God, but on Him we must wait every day, and all the day long. What is it to wait on God? To wait on God is to live a life of desire towards Him, delight in Him, dependence on Him and devotedness to Him.

I. DESIRE. It is to live a life of desire towards God; to wait on Him, as the beggar waits on his benefactor, with earnest desire to receive supplies from him: "The desire of our soul is to Thy Name, and to the remembrance of Thee. With my soul have I desired Thee..." (Isaiah 26:8-9). Thus must we be always waiting on God, as our chief good, and moving towards Him.

II. DELIGHT. It is to live a life of delight in God, as the lover waits on his beloved. Desire is love in motion; delight is love at rest. We must never wish for more than God. In Him we must be entirely satisfied; let Him be mine, and I have enough. The gracious soul dwells in God, is at home in Him, and there dwells at ease; and whatever he meets with in the world to make him uneasy, he finds enough in God to balance it.

III. DEPENDENCE. It is to live a life of dependence on God, as the child waits on his father, whom he has confidence in, and on whom he casts all his care. To wait on all good to us, and the Protector of us from all evil. Thus David explains himself in Psalm 62:5, "My soul wait thou only upon God," and continue still to do so, "for my expectation is from Him. " I look not to any other for the good I need.

IV. DEVOTEDNESS. It is to live a life of devotedness to God, as the servant waits on his master, ready to observe his will, and to do his work. The servant waits not only to do him service, but to do him honor; his glory must be our ultimate end.

To wait on God is to make His will our rule—to make the will of His providence the rule of our patience, and to bear every affliction with an eye to that. We are sure, it is God that performeth all things for us; and He performeth the thing that is appointed for us, we are sure, that all is well that God doth, and shall be made to work for good to all that love Him. We must therefore bear the affliction, whatever it is, because it is the will of God.

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