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New! 9/8/2009:

J. C. Ryle
Expository Thoughts for Matthew, Mark & Luke for e-Sword:

Put the following file in the C:\Program Files\e-Sword directory (or wherever you installed your e-Sword program).

—e-Sword version 8.x and lower, click here (size=6.72 mb).

—e-Sword version 9.x, click here (size=6.04 mb).

(On 11/11/2009 the above files were updated to include "Luke". "John" is currently in the works.)

Matthew Poole

Matthew Poole's Annotations for the whole Bible in e-Sword format are available free for the asking: send an email request to e(underscore)proverbs at yahoo dot com

(For instructions on how to create a commentary for e-Sword send a request to: e(underscore)proverbs at yahoo dot com)

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